Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Overtime overtime

Going with the theme of the redundant titles on the blog posts of this month.  That is, the two other blog entries of this month had repeated phrases in their titles in their titles.

Today I worked an overtime shift to cover some dude who went on vacation for a week.  Let's call him Jabroni.  The classes that he normally teaches are like... super expensive classes, so the students are really motivated to participate and learn.  Basically, they show up for like 6 hours a day for classes... and gets lots of homework, etc.  It costs like.. more than $10k a session (two sessions a year, I think... five days a week?).  Maybe one session a year, actually.  Anyway, it's expensive, especially if you think of it in terms of not being able to work a full-time job at the same time.

In Japan, it's totally normal to live with your family til you're old enough where you need your diapers changed again.  Not quite the case in America, where you're labeled as a 'loser.'  With that said, there are TONS of losers in Japan.  I know what you're thinking:  "How do people have sex?"  That's a very good question.  Both men and women have private parts.  Women have a vagina, and men have a penis.  When you put the penis in the vagina, that's called banging.  Banging is very similar to sex, except it involves two revolvers and that's how babies are made.

I took a picture thinking I was the only one on the train headed to a certain destination.  Turns out the train stopped for maintenance... a secret everyone kept from me.

Some wonderful material from one of the books we use...

More specifically, I have to _______.

One of my junior high students is a hilarious person.  She drew a perfect portrait of this guy, who's another student in that class.


LoL wet?  I think wet was referring to something else.

GUESS WHO THIS IS yeah it's you.

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