So the other day I was riding a train and I saw a sign for Book Off. Book Off is a place that has tons of used books (NO SRSLY GUYS), DVDs, and most importantly, CDs. I managed to find this place with my SWEET new iPhone (iFuggin hate it), and it's pretty close to where I love. I mean live. It's one train station away, actually. I get there, and have to walk like 15 mins no problem np np BUT it turns out I wore the wrong underwear that day. Chafe chafe chafe, chafe chafe chafe, chafe ur booty, chafe ur booty. It was just really hot today.
So I get there and pretty much just put my arm on a shelf and sweep everything into my basket. I bought a bunch of CDs that were 105 yen each (about $1.25 or so) if they looked even remotely interesting. This has been a hit and miss process in the past -- about 40% success rate? Not bad!
I met a Nigerian I mean African guy today at the internet cafe I go to. He claims he's from Seattle but I know better. He used to teach high school English... but I don't think his conversational English is that great (though it was all grammatically correct). He says you can do it with an undergrad degree..... we talked briefly about race WHEW glad my brotha got da hookup fer realz dawg. When we shook hands, we shook... then dapped. Sigh, life is dumb.
Pictures on everything (except the African dude) to follow.
Not another Nigerian...I mean African...also i recently learned that all these places labeled "snack" on the awnings are actually host/hostess don't go in them, as they are fugging plentiful, I see various in every town...unless you want a snack alright...snack on your empty wallet after you dish out yummy yens for a mere convo.